BTS: Till Our Masters Come

Title: Till Our Masters Come
Written by: Anna Forsyth
Directed by: Charlie Gracie
Starring: Harry Deacon, Lawrence Crane, Timothy Breach & Seth Bloor

Behind The Scenes

“Till Our Masters Come” was our first short to be written by someone who didn’t attend the University of Roehampton – we had grown beyond the collegiate boundaries!

It was also the first where sound and camera were taken seriously – the director recruited extra help.

All in all, it was a rather professional shoot. It was also rather fun to have a little cameo too (not my first, but the only one you actually get to see). You just have to pull together and do what you can to make sure that things get done in the end!

The short has an interesting premise and I’m proud of its execution. It was a glimpse into the future and what we could achieve when we knuckled down a little and saved the fun till after shooting wrapped.

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